Heritage Hospice, Inc. provides care and support for individuals and their families in the last stages of an incurable illness. Services, however, do not end with the death of the patient. For up to 13 months following the death, specially trained hospice bereavement staff and volunteers are available to provide assistance to family members dealing with grief and bereavement.
Monthly Pathways meetings for 2024:
Anyone interested in a daytime week-day grief group, please contact our bereavement counselor, Casey Miller, at 859-236-2425 or cmiller@heritagehospice.com
Loss of Spouse Support Group
A loss of spouse support group is offered periodically.
For more information, please call Casey Miller, Heritage Hospice, Inc. bereavement counselor, at 859-236-2425.
Pathways Support Group
Heritage Hospice, Inc. offers a free bereavement educational group for adults who are greiving the loss of a loved one.
Pathways holds a monthly meeting at Heritage Hospice, Inc., 120 Enterprise Drive Danville, KY to allow those attending to address the issues or problems they are facing at that time in a supportive atmosphere with the help of others like themselves and a trained counseling professional from Heritage Hospice, Inc.
Pathways is open to the community as well as to the family and friends of patients served by Heritage Hospice, Inc. Meetings last about 1 hour and cover topics such as:
Informative materials are provided.
Sarah's Heart Bereavment Camp for
This is an annual, one-day, fun-filled camp that offers grief education and support to children. It is designed for kids ages 6 to 12 who have experienced the death of a significant person in their life--a parent, sibling, grandparent, or other family member within the last 2 years.
Each camper has the opportunity to remember their loved one, while also enjoying traditional camp experiences. This camp is staffed by certified/licensed professionals and volunteers of Heritage Hospice, Inc.
This year our camp will be held on July 12, 2024 at Camp Horsin' Around.