
Why Heritage Hospice, Inc.?

Heritage Hospice, Inc. affirms life. The goal of hospice care is not to cure patients or hasten their death, but to provide care and support for a person in the last phase of an incurable disease so they may live as comfortably as possible.

Patients who life in Boyle, Garrard, Lincoln, or Mercer counties who meet the following criteria are eligible for hospice services:

  • Have a life-limiting illness with approximately six months or less to live if the disease follows its normal course
  • No longer seeking aggressive treatment

What Defines Hospice?

  • Comfort vs. cure: In hospice, the staff and family recognize that the patient will not get well. They focus on comfort and support, rather than a cure.
  • Interdisciplinary team approach: All members of the care team work together to coordinate care.
  • Family focus: Hospice team teaches the family how to be involved in their loved one’s care.
  • Provides: medications, durable medical equipment, and supplies related to the lifelimiting illness.
  • Grief support: Hospice’s grief support staff and volunteers maintain contact with the family for up to 13 months after the death of a patient.

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