If you are making decisions about end-of-life-care, please use the following descriptions as a reference for making a decision about whether it is time to call Heritage Hospice. We would like families to know that they can call and discuss services. Many people think a doctor has to recommend hospice.
If you answered yes to more than two of these questions, perhaps it is time to consult with Heritage Hospice. A family member can call the office and set up a meeting to discuss services and how we can help.
1. My family member needs help from other people with daily activities such as: bathing, getting in and out of bed, dressing, bowel/bladder control, eating and walking.
2. My family member has made frequent trips to the hospital or doctor's office in the last six months.
3. My family member is experiencing unpleasant symptoms like pain, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, fear, anxiety, loneliness.
4. My family member spends most of the day in bed or in a chair.
5. Without trying to, my family member has lost a lot of weight in the last six months.
6. Treatments for my family member's disease are no longer working and are causing more pain and discomfort than they are worth.
7. Family members are feeling overwhelmed and unsure they are providing the best care and would benefit from guidance from trained medical professionals.
8. My family member's doctor has told him that his life expectancy is limited.