
What are the Advantages of Hospice Care?

  • Hospice care can benefit the dying and their loved ones in many ways.
  • Hospice allows terminally ill people and their families to re-main together in the comfort and dignity of familiar surroundings, often at home.
  • Hospice provides expert pain and symptom management al-lowing a terminally ill person to be as comfortable and pain-free as possible.
  • Hospice treats the person, not the disease.
  • Hospice cares for the entire family unit, not just the patient. A family member is anyone that patient shares a significant relationship with. 
  • Hospice is available for those with a life-limiting illness with approximately 6 months or less to live if the disease follows its normal course.
  • Hospice focuses on quality, not quantity of life.
  • Recent studies show that people who choose hospice care may live longer than those with similar diagnoses who do not choose hospice. •
  • Hospice provides an interdisciplinary team of knowledgeable professionals and volunteers to care for people and their loved ones who are experiencing a life-limiting illness.
  • Hospice is a cost-effective alternative to the high costs of hos-pitals and traditional institutional care. Many people find hospice provides financial relief.
  • Hospice services are paid for by Medicare Part A, Medicaid, and most private insurances. Hospice does not discriminate in the admission of patients because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, language, handicap or financial position.
  • Hospice care respects and reflects a person's choices about end-of-life care.

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